Flight of Apollo 11 (The Eagle Has Landed)
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Presents the story of the first Moon landing in July 1969. Depicts the principal events of the mission, from the launching through the postrecovery activities of astronauts Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins. Through television, motion pictures, and still photography, the program provides an "eyewitness" perspective of the Apollo 11 mission.
Director and Designer - Ted Lowry
Editor - Bastian Wimmer
Music - Bernardo Segal
Sound Mixer - Richard Patton
Graphic Photography - Bob Jones, Bill Yeatman
Production Assistant - Ray Brown
Associate Producer - Lynn Moore
Producer - Clayton Edwards
- Addeddate
- 2005-01-19 05:27:44
- Color
- color
- Director
- Ted Lowry
- Identifier
- flight_of_apollo_11
- Run time
- 28:22
- Sound
- sound
- Type
- MovingImage
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 30, 2010
Subject: Meth Kills
Subject: Meth Kills
Get off the @$&%
favorite -
April 2, 2006
Subject: Til Mattias
Subject: Til Mattias
Vete a la verga pendejo !!!!
you don't know what you are talking about do you?
by the way "now " writes down with a "k" and "Diskovery" with a "c" PENDEJO !!!!!
you don't know what you are talking about do you?
by the way "now " writes down with a "k" and "Diskovery" with a "c" PENDEJO !!!!!
M. McCullough
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 29, 2006
Subject: Historical significance
Subject: Historical significance
This was done 35 years ago. I remember the flight as well as other Apollo missions. Ted Lowry did then what is now viewed as ancient. Technology still doesn't give of that same sense of achievement.
Branko Collin can't tell the difference between that time and now! Moron!
Branko Collin can't tell the difference between that time and now! Moron!
favoritefavoritefavorite -
October 19, 2005
Subject: Hi
Subject: Hi
I supose when you are talking about the shadows that you think its strange that they have a sligtly difrent angel. Well if you are familiare with photography and lenses then you would now that this is how it looks. About the flag. Well if you have keept up whith your studies then you would now that if an objekt is put in movment in space it never stops. That is what hapend with the flag.
There is a documentary on Diskovery chanel that talk about this.
It is a shame that peoble want do denai this. It is the same type of thinking that people how whant to denai koncentration camp and other historical facts have.
There is a documentary on Diskovery chanel that talk about this.
It is a shame that peoble want do denai this. It is the same type of thinking that people how whant to denai koncentration camp and other historical facts have.
Branko Collin
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 20, 2005
Subject: complete program, but annoying editing
Subject: complete program, but annoying editing
This half hour video shows a nice portion of the footage that was shot of the Apollo 11 moon mission. Unfortunately, the maker thought that his own foot print was at least as important as those of Aldrin and Armstrong, and so this "documentary" is peppered with eratic video-clip-like cuts and ominous sounding foreground music.
Fortunately, things calm down once the film progresses, and we get to enjoy nice long stretches of the real star of this film, the Apollo 11 moon mission.
All in all, 5 stars for NASA and only 2 stars for Ted Lowry.
Fortunately, things calm down once the film progresses, and we get to enjoy nice long stretches of the real star of this film, the Apollo 11 moon mission.
All in all, 5 stars for NASA and only 2 stars for Ted Lowry.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
June 19, 2005
Subject: Yes, it really happened.
Subject: Yes, it really happened.
May I commend to your reading the book
The big splat : or how our moon came to be by Dana Mackenzie
Not a discussion of the Apollo program, not a pro or anti conspiracy theory, but something most people have no idea came out of the lunar explorations. This is even more interesting than conspiracy theories, and much more unexpected.
The big splat : or how our moon came to be by Dana Mackenzie
Not a discussion of the Apollo program, not a pro or anti conspiracy theory, but something most people have no idea came out of the lunar explorations. This is even more interesting than conspiracy theories, and much more unexpected.
favorite -
May 22, 2005 (edited)
Subject: A remark to M. McCullough
Subject: A remark to M. McCullough
And now to our friend M. McCullough, who 'witnessed' the Apollo missions 'real-time' back then... Guess you are not so long on Earth as you claim, 'cause if you were, you wouldn't talk SUCH nonsense like the stuff is shaky 'cause the technology was SO BAD... :) LOL...
Well, just FYI, if you would be a bit more investigative and check some of the technology used that time by those dudes at the NSA and other covert operation departments, you would notice that the technology at that time was FAR more advanced than presented to the people. The same thing happens today, but I guess you are the PR dude from 'Mattias' group... :) LOL!!!
Well, just FYI, if you would be a bit more investigative and check some of the technology used that time by those dudes at the NSA and other covert operation departments, you would notice that the technology at that time was FAR more advanced than presented to the people. The same thing happens today, but I guess you are the PR dude from 'Mattias' group... :) LOL!!!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 26, 2005 (edited)
Subject: Yes they did!
Subject: Yes they did!
Before dismissing humankind's greatest adventure to date as a hoax how about searching the net for 'moon hoax'. Among the various ill informed sites crying conspiracy, you will find others in support of the landing that offer completely plausible explanations for why the images appear as they do. The theories offered as evidence of a hoax are largely based on a lack of understanding of basic photography, how things behave in a vacuum at 1/6 earth gravity, and how primitive video technology was 35(!) years ago. It *is* incredible but we actually did it folks!
sabina 1
favoritefavoritefavorite -
February 3, 2005
Subject: Did they?
Subject: Did they?
very nice to watch man on the moon..did they land on the moon or did they land on a tv set..there are no shadows on the moon and there is no breeze nor wind..watch the flag moving..(HOW}see the shadows..
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